Legal notice and information
The website "", has been developed and made available to Internet users by Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales Sierra Norte de Madrid, (hereinafter Mancomunidad), with registered office in Avenida de Madrid 32, 28752, Lozoyuela, (Madrid); with CIF number P2800049E, phone: 91 869 43 37, Fax: 91 869 45 95 and This electronic address is protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The information contained in this website is checked and updated by form Mancomunidad regulate with due diligence. Despite this, the data may be subject to changes at any time. Therefore, Mancomunidad assumes no liability or guarantee of accuracy and all supplied information. To ensure the accuracy of the information supplied must attend the legal source of the same.
This applies also to other websites which can be accessed through hyperlinks. Mancomunidad does not assume any responsibility for the contents of websites which can be accessed by such links (hyperlinks). Mancomunidad reserves the right to change or amend the information provided at any time and without prior notice.
Access to the Portal, as well as the use that may be made of the information contained therein, are the sole responsibility of the user. Mancomunidad will not be responsible for any consequence, damage or injury which may derive from this access or use of information, with the exception of actions resulting from the implementation of the legal provisions to which the strict exercise of its competences are subject.